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LuPIN (1)

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Finale and prospect to LuPIN-2

Thanks to all your contributions and dedication, we believe the first workshop was a great success.

Here, you can find the final report (PDF, 132KB).

We are preparing the second workshop, LuPIN-2, to maintain the momentum of the fruitful discussion at LuPIN-1. We started planning for the LuPIN-2 in the late summer in 2024 between Kiruna and Luleå. We expect more scientists in the workshop from broader disciplines.

See you in the LuPIN-2 workshop.

Sincerely Yours,
Dr. Yoshifumi Futaana (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)


Recent years, almost all space agencies are active in preparing lunar exploration. However, the science of Moon-environment interaction, particularly complex but fascinating coupling between the solar wind/magnetospheric plasma–energetic particles–exosphere–dust–solid-surface–mini-magnetosphere, has been under-represented. With this situation behind us, we at IRF organize an idea to organize a 3-day workshop in September 2023 in or around Kiruna to discuss the science of the space environment on the Moon.

In addition to the discussion of bottom-up science, we would also aim to discuss

  • how to establish a research network of international scientists interested in the lunar environment
  • how to increase our visibility to stakeholders – industry, space agencies, and public audiences

As we would like to prioritize the real-time, intensive interaction over days, we plan an in-person-only meeting with relatively small group (~25 participants).

Registration (closed)

The registration fee includes the meeting room (Tuesday to Thursday), transport (Monday and Friday), accommodation (4 nights), coffee, lunch, dinner, and social activities.

  • Single room, 11000 kr/person.

The payment shall be on-site. Only Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard) is accepted.


Detailed program

Discussion-oriented science sessions by flexible scheduling

Long coffee breaks and meals for extended, casual discussion

Day 0

The day of arrival. Transport to Björkliden

Day 1

Science session (oral)

Day 2

Science session (oral/poster)

Day 3

Science session (oral)

Day 4

The day of departure. Transport to Kiruna


List of talks


The workshop will be held in Björkliden, about 120 km west of Kiruna ( LOC has made a block booking for the conference, including conference, meals, and accommodation. LOC will prepare bus transport from the Kiruna (airport) to Björkliden on Monday and Friday. These costs are included in the registration fee.

Arrival to Kiruna

The LOC recommends to fly to Kiruna with the following flight.

  • SK 1042 (arrival Kiruna) 14:15 on 4 September, Monday
  • SK 1045 (departure Kiruna) 14:00 on 8 September, Friday

If you arrive different mean from SK 1042 on Monday, let the LOC know. IRF may be able to arrange the pickup.

Bus transport

Bus transport from/to the IRF/airport (above flight)/Kiruna city to/from the conference center will be arranged.

Detailed information will be announced before the workshop.

Conference center

Björkliden conference center


Accommodation fee is included in the registration fee (room for 4 nights and meals)

Hotell fjället Björkliden

“Mountain views”
Overlooking Lapporten and Torneträsk from Björkliden


Chair / Secretary

  • Chair: Yoshifumi Futaana
  • Secretary: Maria Wästle
  • LOC
    • Manabu Shimoyama
    • Stas Barabash
  • SOC
    • Xiao-Dong Wang
    • Philipp Wittmann
    • Hayley Williamson
    • Mats Holmstrom