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Program and presentations

Presentation guideline

The schedule is relatively flexible, allowing discussion and interaction between the presenter and participants.

  • LOC expects presenter to prepare a presentation for about 20 min (contributed) and 30 min (invited)-long, if no questions are asked in middle.
  • We do not have remote sessions.
  • During the presentation, questions and brief discussion from the audience will be welcomed.
  • Presentation slides will be collected and shared within the participants. If you include slides that cannot be shared, please prepare a reduced version as well.
  • Authors are encouraged to cover the big picture in addition to their own research. For example,
    • Overview of the field. What are left as the open questions? Why are they important/interesting?
    • What will be the desired next measurements/studies? How do they advance our knowledge?
    • Interdisciplinary aspects. For example, place your study in the context of the plasma-surface-exosphere-dust interaction aspects.
    • Identify links to future lunar/planetary exploration.
    • How can we disseminate our own studies or these fields to the other stakeholders?


Day 0 (2024-09-23, Mon)

Time Title/Event
13:00 Bus 1 departure from Luleå (airport, train station) to Bjorkliden
14:30 Bus 1 arrival in Storforsen
16:00 Bus 2 departure from Luleå (airport, train station) to Bjorkliden
17:30 Bus 2 arrival in Storforsen
Whole afternoon Registration, check in
19:00 Dinner

Day 1 (2024-09-24, Tue)

Time Title/Event
09:00 Welcome, practical details, specific goal of the meeting, round of introductions, LuPIN-1 recap
09:15 Science session 1: Outstanding questions in lunar sciences
Science session 2: Dust and exosphere
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Science session 2: Dust and exosphere
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Science session 2: Dust and exosphere
Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
18:30 Cultural Talk: Aurora
19:00 Dinner

Day 2 (2024-09-25, Wed)

Time Title/Event
09:00 Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions
Science session 4: Space Plasma
19:00 Dinner

Day 3 (2024-09-26, Thu)

Time Title/Event
09:00 Science session 5: Mission, instrument
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Science session 5: Mission, instrument
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Field trip
19:00 Dinner

Day 4 (2024-09-27, Fri)

Time Title/Event
09:00 Science session: Wrap up. Future aspects. What sciences are attractive?
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 LuPIN’s future direction. Plan for LuPIN-3
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Departure from Storforsen to Luleå airport and train station.
14:30 Arrival in Luleå (at airport, city center)

Scientific talks

Science session 1: Outstanding questions in lunar sciences

Speaker Title
Stas Barabash Outstanding questions in lunar sciences

Science session 2: Dust and exosphere

Speaker Title
Mihaly Horanyi Review of the dust environment on the surface/near-surface Moon
Chen-Yen Hsu Comprehensive Studies of Moon’s and the Mercury’s Exospheres
Alexander Smolka Influence of local and global lunar topography on the lunar exosphere
Parvathy Prem Modeling anthropogenic changes to the lunar volatile system
Yanwei Li Faster ejecta generated from the lunar surface

Science session 3: Surface, plasma, and radiation interactions

Speaker Title
Stas Barabash, Martin Wieser, Elias Roussos JUICE lunar flyby on 19 August. Overview, particle data, open discussion.
Hayley Williamson BepiColombo Mercury flybys
Tomoki Kimura The solar wind proton precipitation to the surface and the water production
Paul S. Szabo Proton precipitation processes to the lunar surface and their impact on lunar environment
Martin Wieser Ions and neutrals emitted from the lunar surface
Jin Nakazono, Yohei Miyake Multi-scale Electrostatic Structures on the Lunar Surface
Masahisa Kato Developing a numerical model of electrons emitted from the sunlit lunar surface and its application
Manuel Grande Comparison of surface processes at the Moon And Mercury
Elias Roussos Airless body interactions with energetic particles at Jupiter and Saturn: insights from lunar measurements
Thomas Maynadié Dynamics and Structure of South Pole-Aitken Mini-Magnetosphere from Proton and ENA measurements from the SARA Instrument on-board Chandraayan-1
Romain Canu-Blot The Negative Ions at the Lunar Surface (NILS) instrument on Chang’E-6: the instrument, objectives and first results

Science session 4: Space Plasma

Speaker Title
Iannis Dandouras Review of the lunar plasma environment when the Moon is in the terrestrial magnetotail

Science session 5: Mission, instrument

Speaker Title
Angele Pontoni The Magnetic Anomaly Particle Spectrometer (MAPS) on the upcoming Lunar Vertex investigation
Heidi Haviland Lunar Vehicle Active Charge Control System Instrument Development
Xiao-Dong Wang Response of Time-of-Flight Particle Detection System on Penetrating Radiations: Simulation of Chang’E-4/ASAN
Manuel Grande The Mesonm Mission
Stas Barabash LEM-1: The first mission of lunar ecology
Yoshifumi Futaana The LimPa mission