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LuPIN (2)

Table of contents

The registration deadline is on June 30, 2024. Registration is closed.

Note: Registration will close as soon as the available places are filled.


Recent years, almost all space agencies are active in preparing lunar exploration. However, the science of Moon-environment interaction, particularly complex but fascinating coupling between the solar wind/magnetospheric plasma-energetic particles-exosphere-dust-solid surface-mini-magnetosphere, has been under-represented. With this situation behind us, we at Swedish Institute of Space Physics organize a weekly workshop on 23-27 September 2024 in Storforsen, Norrbotten, Sweden, by the biggest unregulated rapids in Europe, to discuss the science of the space environment on the Moon.

What is LuPIN

LuPIN is an abbreaviation of Lunar Plasma Interdisciplinary Network. See the aim of LuPIN.

Keynote speakers

  • Dr. Stas Barabash (IRF): OSIP Small lunar mission: Lunar Environment Monitor-1 (LEM-1)
  • Dr. Iannis Dandouras (IRAP): Review of the lunar plasma environment when the Moon is in the terrestrial magnetotail
  • Dr. Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF): Selected OSIP Small lunar mission: Limb Pathfinder (LimPa)
  • Dr. Heidi Haviland (NASA): Lunar Vehicle Active Charge Control System Instrument Development
  • Dr. Mihaly Horanyi (LASP): Review of dust environment on the surface/near-surface Moon
  • Dr. Tomoki Kimura (TUS): The solar wind proton precipitation to the surface and the water production
  • Dr. Yohei Miyake, Dr. Jin Nakazono (Kobe-U): Multi-scale Electrostatic Structures on the Lunar Surface
  • Dr. Parvathy Prem (JHU/APL): Modeling anthropogenic changes to the lunar volatile system
  • Dr. Elias Roussos (MPS): Airless body interactions with energetic particles at Jupiter and Saturn: insights from lunar measurements
  • Dr. Alexander Smolka (TUM): Influence of local and global lunar topography on the lunar exosphere
  • Dr. Paul Szabo (UCB): Ion precipitation of the lunar surface and its impact on the lunar environment
  • Dr. Martin Wieser (IRF): Ions and neutrals emitted from the lunar surface

and more speakers


Detailed program

Discussion-oriented science sessions by flexible scheduling

Long coffee breaks and meals for extended, casual discussion

Day overviews

Day 0

The day of arrival. Transport to Storforsen

Day 1-3

Science session (oral)

Day 4

The day of departure. Transport to Luleå


The format and arrangement is similar to the LuPIN-1 workshop

The workshop will be held in Storforsen, in the Northern Sweden. LOC has made a block booking, including the conference room, meals, and accommodation. LOC will arrange bus transport between Luleå (airport and city center) and Storforsen on Monday and Friday. These consts will be included in the conference fee.


The LOC recommend to fly from/to Luleå (LLA) airport. You can arrange your flight according to the bus timetable below.

Bus transportation

Bus transportation between Luleå and Storforsen will be arranged, the fee of which is included as a part of the conference fee.

  • Transport from Luleå (airport ,city) to Storforsen on Monday
    • Departure 13:00, arrival 14:30
    • Departure 16:00, arrival 17:30
  • Transport from Storforsen to Luleå (ariport, city) on Friday
    • Departure 13:00, arrival 14:30

Conference center

Hotel Storforsen


Fees for accommodation and meals are included in the conference fee (a single room for 4 nights and meals).

Hotel Storforsen

“Storforsen rapids”
Storforsen with the hotel in the background (Wikipedia)

Event poster

Contact to Dr. Yoshifumi Futaana at Swedish Institute of Space Physics for further information.

LuPIN2 poster


  • Chair person: Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF)
  • Secretary: Maria Wästle (IRF)
  • LOC
    • Philipp Wittmann (IRF)
    • Manabu Shimoyama (IRF)
    • Stas Barabash (IRF)
  • SOC
    • Xiao-Dong Wang (Chair, IRF)
    • Audrey Vorburger (Univ. Bern)
    • Jasper Halekas (Univ. Iowa)
    • Ralf Srama (Univ. Stuttgart)
    • Bob Wimmer (Univ. Kiel)
    • Yohei Miyake (Kobe Univ.)